Building a bright and a just future for Ugandan women in agriculture.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive package of agricultural resources a smallholder rural woman farmer needs to become gainfully employed and financially empowered in their communities.

Our Activities

Agricultural training

We improve agricultural practices by offering training in modern techniques and effective application methods. This training is crucial for helping smallholder women farmers make the most of their inputs and attain higher yields.

Credit facility

We offer credit facilities to smallholder rural farmers in the form of inputs that align with our credit criteria. This support helps farmers access essential resources. Our goal is to empower them to enhance their agricultural productivity.

Hands-on support from extension officers

Our extension officers provide real-time support to farmers by delivering vital information on weather conditions, market prices, and new farming practices. They offer advice and hands-on assistance to help farmers effectively apply what they’ve learned.

Input distribution

We directly supply essential farm inputs, such as quality seeds, fertilizers, and agrochemicals, to smallholder rural farmers within their communities. This approach ensures that farmers have timely access to the resources they need to boost agricultural productivity.

Storage facility

We offer storage services to assist women farmers in safely storing their produce until prices rise. This approach helps reduce post-harvest losses and eliminates the exploitation by middlemen.

Connecting farmers to markets

We enhance market access by linking smallholder rural farmers directly with consumers, processors such as agro-processing companies, and the wider Ugandan and East African markets.

International Day of Rural Women

We partner with other women organisations to organize International Day of Rural Women. This is a one-day celebration every year 15th/October to recognize the vital role of women in agriculture and rural development. The event features exhibitions, speeches, and panel discussions with key stakeholders, highlighting achievements and addressing challenges faced by rural women.

Women Farmers Sports League

This is our signature event where women farmers from rural communities come together for a fun and friendly competition. This platform allows women to express themselves, build confidence, and connect with their peers. It also provides an opportunity for Fair Play for Women to showcase its products and services, attracting more women to join the organization. The event promotes community engagement and empowerment through sports, with the winners receiving a cow as the top prize.

Women Farmers Coffee Night

Women Farmers Coffee Night provides rural women farmers with a much-needed opportunity to step away from their daily routines, meet with friends, and discuss important matters. Held every last Saturday of the month, it brings together farmers, policymakers, and stakeholders to share experiences over coffee, fostering stronger community ties and collaboration.